Impacts and Outcomes

SaP Innovations Expected outcomes

High-performance conductive materials and inks made from recycled & bio-based sources

  • Targeting reduction of production costs by over 50%

  • Development of inks with production cost reduction of up to 50%

  • Development of biobased inks using nanoparticles with reduced resistivity

Digital printing methods for automated production of PE

  • Increased automation leading to high productivity potential, reducing the labor-investment ratio by 50%

  • Reduction of overall material usage by 30% and of production time by 20%

Facile separation and reusability of mounted discrete components

Separation and reuse of over 90% mounted discrete components in new PE products

Recycling of critical raw materials

80% efficiency in the extraction of these materials from PE

The expected outcomes of SaP will contribute, in long-term, to the wider impacts:

  • The European strategic autonomy will be reinforced by reducing the dependency on raw materials and price fluctuations of imported materials.

  • SaP’s alternative inks, presenting 50% cost reduction and high performance, are expected not only to dominate the European market and restore its autonomy but also to reinforce the EU leadership in this sector.

  • Significant market share gain in the nanomaterials market by offering cost competitive nanoparticles production, based on recycled sources.

  • Advanced digital printing methods with a high level of automation that will result in a reduction of material usage, production cost, and time, providing a competitive advantage to the EU industry.

  • All key parts of a greener digital supply chain will be addressed by providing sustainable solutions throughout the manufacturing loop.